And you may ask "WFT?". This super-heros are home made, not for a comic but for a role-play game with take's center on the comic book super-hero setting.
On the back is "THE DEMON" a like hellboy powerhouse character that also can see the future, in the bottom "Blue Geko" a blue alien/sniper whit inviciviliti and wallcralling, to te left ir "Dr. Farrhai" (i don't know how ir write the real name) a magnetic controller and to the right is "Nordmant Cutter" (my character) a tecnological super-hero for the CERN (the LHC is just a facade, they realy are making super-hero's)
Oh, and i made this on my desk, i was to bored, yea, i know that it's see like crap but it's because i can't scan a table >_>U.